Tuesday, March 22, 2011

having a teen angst day

little somin i wrote

column not your own

i want to vanish
stiffly cementing into my parallel
alone and aching
so now you wont have to step down,
step down,
step down,
from your own

Monday, March 21, 2011


does anyone want to do my pre-calculus homework?


my best friend in the entire universe, her nickname is hazi-fantazie c:

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I've had a very glum weekend (which is a complete understatement) but if you have too maybe we could look at the better things in life and how others are making it a possibility. One project that I am very excited about that has been going on for quite some time is the Yellow Bird Project. This amazing effort is best explained in their own words - "We are a Montreal-based nonprofit called Yellow Bird Project. We work with an amazing range of indie rock musicians to create unique t-shirt designs that benefit an array of charities, each chosen by the musicians." I love this so much because each artist or band can pick a specific charity to give to which makes each shirt even more person and awesome c: I have two myself which I LOVE, Devendra Banhart's and Elvis Perkins's - check em out! SO please please pleassseee check it out and I'm sure you'll love it as much as I do!

Yellow Bird Project

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011

zoo it up kid

So I have decided if there is anyway to make this a successful thing I've got going here I should do it everyday, so hello c: However today I'm not really in a bloggy mood....but honestly I don't know what to talk about, I guess I'm not getting very good at this xl . So I guess I'll steal from another bloggggggg haha. Check this website out if you're sitting in your office or room or at school with honestly nothing else better to do than go to the zoo c:

 to the zoo ! ! !

(watch out about the sound!!!!)

a little critter you'd find in the zoo, a picture I took about two years ago

Thursday, March 17, 2011

well hello there

I guess I forgot to properly introduce myself, silly me c:. My name is Scout and I'm a young lady in the wiley world of modern insanity such as Charlie Sheen (which I wont talk about because it's been ridiculously over cooked in the media) global warming, silly bands (i hate), and the slow but ever growing Bieber virus. However much I embrace my world that love to live in I like to find things a little more spontaneous than baby Bieber's new hair do. cx I don't know exactly what to tell you about myself.... I have a knack for dying my hair lately, its become an addiction to perfecting and experimenting, HAVE ANY ADVICE? I have blonde right now and I'm growing it out really long with bangs to maybe dye it a true red head color or a zooey deschanel deep black/brown color, tell me some bad hair stories to spare me the dragging regret ! IIIIIII like to take pictures, film and go vintage thrifting. IDEA, along with posting something i like everyday I can post a picture or video i took along with it :D i like this. (oo fyi my background is a picture I took too.) For now since it's so late I will post a picture I took a little while ago that I like very much. So let's swing it c:
the window to my world

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

i told myself not to do this...

this is making me happy, thank you
As venturing into the intergalactic world of the internet is an exciting endeavor, I have come to find myself scumming to the endless need for online appreciation. Through facebook and email etcetcetcetc, it is getting a little out of hand i suppose. However I'm trying to achieve something a little different with this...I hope. I was asking myself, how exactly could I benefit from this? maybe instead of posting my thoughts on somewhere like facebook, I could take this opportunity  to journal what I wanted without any invasion of the people I'm closest to. Not that I'm unaware of a personal diary I could keep next to my bed, trust you me I have one as well. This could not only let me share anything I wanted, what I'm interested in, what I've created, and what I need advice on but it lets me put it out there to stay and not mull to mush in my mind. So beyond this extremely cliche first blog (please forgive me c:) I would like to connect to this community to learn from it and  share something so more diverse and free than anything I have had before. - Scout